Mediations that Get Results
I’ve been helping parties successfully mediate their disputes since 1987. In large part, I’m successful in conflict resolution for the same reasons I’ve been successful as a litigator: commitment, hard work, and determination. During my time in private practice, I learned that my successes come from perseverance. I also learned that the practical result is often the best result for a client.
Clients, on either side, don’t want to fight in litigation. Individuals want to be living their lives. Hopefully, they work to live, and not the other way around. Fighting with their employer or former employer is an unpleasant distraction from where they so hope to be. Employers want to put their heart and soul into their businesses. Litigation squanders time and other resources that would better be used improving their bottom line.
I have a real passion for helping folks get back on track, by seeing the value of resolution. I’d love to have the opportunity to help your clients to resolve their disputes, so they can focus on the things that are more important to them. I promise to bring my commitment, hard work and determination to each and every mediation.